Background Check

EEOC Services

InQuest Solutions, Inc. has nearly 20 years of experience in providing EEOC services to the public sector.  Our staff of highly experienced and certified investigators have investigated a wide range of employment issues from individual cases with one (1) issue, multiple issues, cases involving continuing violations as well as consolidated cases.  

We prepare all reports and investigations in accordance (MD)-110 and have worked or continue to work for several agencies to include but not limited to the US Department of Agriculture, The US Department of Navy, The US Department of Defense-Defense Commissary Agency and the US Department of Interior, The Department of Commerce and The Railroad Retirement Board.   

Each Investigator and Program Manager understands every investigation of an EEO complaint involves a thorough review of the provided case documents, the development of an investigative plan, collecting relevant documents; interviewing and obtaining sworn statements from the complainants, agency officials and witnesses; and summarizing the investigation in the form of a report of investigation (ROI), while meeting or exceeding expected deadlines/due dates. 

Our Investigators understand the elements of any discrimination case and are able to apply the models of proof and recognize that it is essential to be ever conscious of the need for objectivity and neutrality.

In addition to Individual EEO investigations we also provide:

  • EEO Counseling
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Simple and Complex Misconduct Investigations
  • FAD writing
  • Executive Summaries

Please Contact Us today to discuss your EEOC needs.